I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and is busy wrapping up end-of-year business so you can take a little time off before the New Year.
I tried to touch on a few year-end essentials in my recent InSights blog and Linkedin posts. If you haven’t read them yet, here are the links:
They are about things you probably already know, but, for me at least, it is always good to refresh the memory at an already busy time of year when your focus may be elsewhere.
I also wanted to let you know that the next Ethics continuing education webinar is scheduled for January 26, 2016. Be sure to mark your calendar.
My online class, CFP® Board Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, fulfills the CFP® Board’s 2 hour Ethics CE requirement for maintaining your certification. I try to keep it as engaging as possible by using real-world and timely examples, and will give you time at the end to ask questions and address specific topics more in depth.
And, to make it even easier for you, we (meaning Dawn) will take care of all of the paperwork for you by submitting credit hours directly to the CFP® Board once you have completed the live webinar.
Here are the Details:
- Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm EST.
- Course Price: $40
Audio Insights and FP Resource Center subscribers: $20 (learn more here)
- Credits: 2 hours CFP® Ethics CE
Please note – as this is a live interactive webinar and you must participate at the specified date and time.
Hope to “see” you all online, and hope you have a happy and safe holiday season!