In case you missed it, below is a comedy sketch from John Oliver from HBO’s “Last Week Tonight”. Your clients/prospects may ask you about it so I want all to have seen it. It is about 20 minutes long but worth viewing. Yes, it is funny and irreverent but it does paint our entire industry (even those like you that are doing it right) with a broad, negative brush. It is a window into the perception that many people have of us.

Consumer Driven Fees

I wanted to share this feature I recently found in Business Insider.  So much has been written about fees, both hidden and disclosed, that I found this article particularly interesting.  It’s about a socially conscious investing firm that allows the investor to determine his fees.  You would think that investors would elect to pay no fees whatsoever, but that is not the case.  A link to the original article as well as the entire article is below: