Dawn D’Orlando passed away at home on March 16th with her loving husband, Brett Danko, and precious children at her side. After a long and bravely fought battle with colon cancer, Dawn is finally at peace.

Dawn was a wonderful wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend, but most importantly, she was a devoted mother to her two beautiful children. Abigail and Nicholas were the greatest joys of her life and inspired her courageous fight against cancer. Her strength and love for her children gave Dawn five years beyond what her doctors initially predicted.

Dawn will be missed deeply by all who knew her, and all who knew her are better because of knowing her. 

The outpouring of support for Brett and his family has been overwhelming and deeply appreciated. In honor of Dawn's achievements related to pediatric care and the passion she shared as an active member of her Church community directly involved with helping the youth, an endowment fund has been created so that her efforts and legacy may continue.

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