Anyone that knows me knows that I am terrible at tech.  When it comes to things like Twitter, blogging, social media, and whatnot, I’m clueless.  With that said, I am going to give it a shot and here’s what I’m going to do.

We are being bombarded with news about covid-19 and the economy and, as important and serious as that news is, we need to take a break from it now and again.  So, I want to focus on the uplifting and positive stories out there, even if it’s just for a few moments during the day; so that’s what I’m going to write about and share.

In Case You Missed It:

The CFP Board of Standards is making it easier for investors to spot financial advisors with a questionable past. The change came a day after The Wall Street Journal reported that the Board was not disclosing the disciplinary history of CFP practitioners on its consumer website

How I Got Started

Many of you ask about how I got started and about starting/maintaining a financial planning practice in general, so, here is a link to an interview I did recently for Investor’s Business Daily that discusses those issues (print version last week 2/25/19).

Advisor Builds a Successful Business, One Income Stream at a Time

I joked with the reporter that is must be a slow month if he was interviewing me.  He agreed...


Here is the 2019 Tax Contribution Guide which I KNOW you have awaiting for breathlessly since the beginning of the year . . .  Ok, maybe it's not that exciting, but it does come in handy as a quick reference.




Recently, a number of my Audio/Video Insights subscribers asked about the new mortgage rules for 2018 so I sent a video on the changes. It seems it helped clear up some of the confusion around taxation, deductions, who it affects, and who is grandfathered, so I wanted to share it with a broader audience.


There are two documents that every college student should sign; a durable power of attorney and a healthcare proxy. The power of attorney is so parents/guardians can have access to their student’s grades, the health proxy is so they can make healthcare decisions for them if they are incapacitated.

I realize this email topic is non-financial and more of a public service email, BUT I thought it was important since we ALL deal with issues of privacy and confidentiality with our clients.

Here's another Video Insights for you. Here I am discussing how the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act effects divorce and alimony.  Hope you like it (and my classy t-shirt)!

As always, be sure to leave your comments and suggestions.

"See" you on the next video.


I sent this to my subscribers yesterday, but think it's important enough to share more broadly even though it may only apply to a few of you.  Deadline to enroll is February 18.

I sent this to my subscribers yesterday, but think it's important enough to share more broadly even though it may only apply to a few of you.  Deadline to enroll is February 18.
